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My name is Missy Kershaw and I am the owner of The Sultry Label. The Sultry Label was launched in 2020 with the idea of creating a subtle, yet sexy brand that also taps into streetwear. As I've grown into a woman my idea of fashion has changed. I love the idea of looking sexy without showing too much. When people wear The Sultry Label I want them to feel bold, limitless and fearless. Each garment are designed with this idea in mind. The main desire behind our custom pieces is to make you feel empowered.

To understand The Sultry Label I want to share a little of my testimony and give encouragement to someone who wants to start. The Sultry Label is my second business. I am a firm believer in the chasing your dreams. I think we shouldn't limit ourselves in this lifetime. For me the thought of looking back and not trying is worse than trying and failing. I prayed to God for a sign to be more passionate at something for the longest and somehow I got here. I think I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to figure out my thing. I never played sports, wasn’t in band, couldn't sing, no dance team I didn't care about anything most kids my age did. I never felt lost I just didn't have a particular like for anything except looking nice and making money. When I was younger my grandma had taught me how to sew by hand and  later down the line high school I took fashion for 2-3 years and learned how to really do seamstress work and always loved it, but after graduating I never really cared much. Fast forward as I went through my first two years of college I begin to grow more into being business minded and I realized I hated working and I needed a hustle. My mom had breast cancer for the 3rd time when I started college and I would drive 2-3 hours  between Austin, Temple and my home town religiously to take her to chemo or be there for her surgery's. It was taking up a lot of my time and I knew realistically having a job would not fit so I started a small skin care line. With my first business I loved the joy of making people feel good about themselves and regain their confidence, but I honestly started my business to avoid working in college and although I was very passionate about the work I did I realize I did not see skin care as a life long goal. However it paid bills and allowed me extra cash to do my favorite thing, SHOP! I made my first 5 figures off of skin care and even though it was hard thing to do I ultimately closed my site down and dived into my next venture. My friends and I had always talked about owning boutiques or a small store later in life, but I never really manifested it. I think that we manifest everything in our life, but manifestation without prayer and hard work is nothing. Over the course of this last year I’ve truly put in the work to build The Sultry Label. I started with wholesale swim pieces doing fast fashion, then begin mixing the wholesale items with a few items I would have our brand name stamped on, and now we are a whole 100% manufactured brand. From our designs to our sizing charts I choose everything. I put all my love into giving quality and making my brand a reflection of me. I encourage anyone with an idea to bet on you and inspire others. Influence the room and create something bigger because if I can so can you.




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